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Royden Lepp creator of the graphic novel Rust Interview Part 1 and more! - Disney Discussions

Royden Lepp creator of the graphic novel Rust Interview Part 1 and more! - Disney Discussions

Tony the Disney Dad and his two boys discuss and interview Royden Lepp's all ages graphic novel Rust and more on episode 22 of Disney Discussions.

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00:12 Introductions
00:37 Welcome!
00:53 Intro to Royden and Rust
01:38 Royden Lepp Interview, Part 1
03:20 How did Royden come up with the idea for the Rust Series
06:18 Why Have a Sci-fi Story take place on a farm?
08:09 How did Royden decide on the more "show and don't tell" style of story telling?
10:49 How did the art evolve over the course of the series?
13:29 Who is Royden's favorite character to write/draw?
15:00 Who is Royden's least favorite character to draw?
15:52 How did Royden create such realistic robots?
17:23 Why use sepia tones for the series instead of full color?
19:37 How did the design of the Hardcover books come about?
21:20 How did the smaller stories in the back come about?
21:56 What was Royden's art process?
23:48 What is Royden's favorite robot from Rust and what's his favorite scene with the robots?
25:17 What was the writing process for the series?
27:23 What's the future of the Rust movie with Fox?!?
29:40 The movie may not be what you think?
30:00 Comic books movies and what comic book movie is Royden most looking forward to
32:54 Hopefully one day we see a Rustland coming to a Disney park.

33:25 Media Pick of the Week: The Rust Series

Rust Vol. 1: A Visitor in the Field http://amzn.to/2G8n6lm

Rust Vol. 2: Secrets of the Cell http://amzn.to/2FOItsA

Rust Vol. 3: Death of the Rocket Boy http://amzn.to/2G5OYX3

Rust Vol. 4: Soul in the Machine http://amzn.to/2DBM0Ex

Rust: The Boy Soldierhttp://amzn.to/2ppDpzM

34:43 New itunes Review for LDfromSD. Leave us a review and we'll read it on the next episode:

35:07 Last chance to enter for a chance to win a bag of Expedition Roasters coffee by going here:

36:41 Bloopers

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There's a lot going on in the World of Disney whether it's the parks, movies, or TV. Every episode Tony the Disney Dad and his 2 boys will walk you through all the Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, and Pixar related news as well as help you navigate your next trip to Walt Disney World, and walk you down the Disney history road. Listen with the whole family!